Five Awesome Reasons Why an RSA & RCG is a Must-Have
Monday, December 14, 2015
Let’s get real. If you want to work in a pub or club in Oz, you’d better have an RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol certificate) as well as your RCG (Responsible Conduct of Gambling Certificate). Is it really worth the money, you ask? Well, unless you live permanently in WA and have no intentions of travelling to other states and territories, you betcha! In fact, unless you have intentions of only working in a restaurant (or WA!), it’s pretty much a necessity.
Here’s 5 spectacular reasons why you need it.
1. Are you Serious?
Mate, it’s like this. If an employer scans your resume and sees you have a few tricks up your sleeve – like the appropriate gambling/alcohol certificates – they’re going to see you as one highly employable son-of-a-gun. Not only will you look like you know what you’re doing (and clever at that!) they’ll see you as wanting a career in the industry (even if it is just to get you through uni!) And that my friend, will set you as a cut above from the rest. In some cases, you won’t even snaffle a job interview without it.
2. Do the Hokey Pokey!
In our fine country Down Under we love a good pokie venue. We pretty much have pokies (slot machines) in every pub or club around the nation. And where there’s pokies, an RCG (or RSG as it’s known in some states) is required. Even if your usual job is working on the floor of a restaurant at a club, but all of a sudden you’re needed behind the bar in the pokies section – you’ll need the RCG. Your employer will love you being as flexible as a contortionist.
3. Playing In a Travellin’ Band!
Okay, so you may not play in a band, but if you intend to travel around as much as a touring muso, of course it’s a brilliant idea to keep your hospitality options open. The more armed you are with know-how and certificates when scootin’ around our land, the more venues you can pick and choose to work in. While there are different requirements for each state, it’s still a damned fine idea to be well-versed in gambling and alcohol responsibilities.
4. Have a Twosome!
Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Here’s the best bit. If you’re smart and sexy, you’ll do two at once – courses that is. Save money by booking in to do your RSA and RCG on the same day! Nothing like a bit of dual action to get your motor running, down to the nearest hotel, and grabbing yourself a little date with a job interview. And with all of that dosh you just saved, you can shout the bar.
5. On the Record!
Keep your records straight. At the end of the year, when it’s tax return time, you can claim all of your course fees as a work expense! Stuff your receipts in a shoebox if you have to, but make sure you hang onto them. Then come July, you might just get most of it back.

Have we got you convinced? Then check out the RSA course the RCG course or the RSA RCG course combo.